Sunset Overdrive Review…Oh This is why I got an Xbox One!

Photo credit: allgamesbeta

Photo credit: allgamesbeta

Right as I started typing this review a kid next to me asked me a simple question…How do you describe Sunset Overdrive? the new Xbox One exclusive. I paused for a few moments, a smile crept on to my face and all I could do was shake my head at the thoughts of me grinding on telephone wires as I blew up mutants with teddy bears all while I was wearing a wolf mask, Hawaiian shirt and kangaroo cod piece. Those types of moments occur constantly in Insomniac’s take on the apocalypse genre. After playing countless hours of Sunset Overdrive I’ve been struggling finding the right words to depict the insanity it contains. I’ve decided on stating Sunset Overdrive is a fresh, change of pace, vibrant, hysterical and action packed masterpiece by Insomniac Games.

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